Christina Aguilera y Sia escriben carta de amor a sus fans gays en el Mes del Orgullo

Más cartas para nosotros: Christina Aguilera y Sia también escriben sus palabras a la comunidad LGBTQ.

Hay una carta para ti y es la que muchos artistas han escrito para la web de Billboard en este mes del Orgullo.

Ya repasamos la de Britney Spears y la de Selena Gomez, pero no queríamos dejarnos en el tintero un par de ellas más, ahora que ya están todas disponibles en la web. Veamos qué hay escrito en las cartas de Christina Aguilera y Sia a la comunidad LGBTQ.

Empecemos por Christina Aguilera: para sacar nuevas canciones no tiene tiempo, pero menos mal que sí lo tiene para escribirnos unas bonitas palabras.

Xtina dice que la comunidad LGBTQ significa muchísimo para ella, tanto como artista como ser humano, y que le cuesta poner palabras a esta “inmensa gratitud” que llena su corazón.

La diva habla que desde el principio de su carrera estaba rodeada de gays (bailarines y coreógrafos sobre todo) que siguen siendo sus mejores amigos a día de hoy.

Christina reconoce que la comunidad LGBTQ nunca lo ha tenido fácil y cuenta una anécdota curiosa: una vez conoció a un fan que se había tatuado la cara de Christina para tapar una cicatriz que tenía. El fan le contó que había sido apuñalado por ser gay. Léelo todo a continuación:

As we embark on pride month I wanted to reach out and put into words just how much the LGBTQ community means to me both as an artist and also as a human being. What I envisioned being a simple letter to write is actually much harder than I expected mainly because I keep asking myself, “how can I put into words the immense gratitude that fills my heart?.” I just can’t. And this community, this family of exceptional human beings mean so much to me I feel so much pressure to articulate my love for you all, yet here goes.

Starting out in my career there was a lot of uncertainty for me as to who I was and where I fit in. So many labels and so many of societies rules telling me how I should be and what I should be. Yet even in my earliest years when I wanted to scream and jump out of my own skin for not fitting the perfect pop star mold there was a small group of friends that stood by me and still do today. My own little gay inner circle filled with dancers, choreographers and glam folks that to this day remain my best friends in the world.

As my career moved forward and I began making music that spoke to my pain and struggles there were fans that came out to me with stories that literally lifted me up. Those were all my LGBTQ fans that through thick and thin stand with me daily. My fighters, my heroes, the reason I love what I do.

The LGBTQ community has never had it easy, the struggles each one of you faces daily on an individual level and on a broader political and cultural level are unimaginable, yet you keep fighting, you keep moving forward trailblazing and beating all odds with love always in your hearts.

I remember meeting a fan who had just gotten a tattoo of my face near a scar he had. When I asked him why he got the tattoo he told me a story about how he got stabbed because he was sticking up for himself when someone was bulling him about being gay. That because of me, and my music, he was able to be a fighter and to take a stand – he did get stabbed but he survived and the tattoo was a daily reminder that while people can try to break us we will not fall, we will not stand down and we will not be afraid to stand up for what we deserve.

In this month of June and every other day of the year please know that to me you all represent the daily driving voice that tells me to keep going, to triumph against all odds and to celebrate being unique. Because being unique doesn’t make us different from anyone else – it just makes us more special.

With love, with respect, with passion, with commitment, with gratitude and admiration I say to all you fighters – I love you.

Por su parte, Sia ha pedido que no editen su carta y que la publiquen tal cual la envió.

La prolífica compositora recuerda cuando le llegó un vídeo en el que sonaba su canción ‘Breathe Me’ y que contaba la historia de un joven gay de 13 años que contaba lo deprimido que estaba.

Desde entonces tomó conciencia de que podía hacer mucho por la comunidad LGBTQ y decidió apoyarnos en todo lo que podía.

Sia también cuenta que su manager David, con el que lleva 12 años, es uno de sus mejores amigos y acaba de revelar que es VIH positivo.

La cantante termina diciendo que no habría llegado hasta aquí sin sus amigos queer, tanto en lo personal como lo profesional, y que por ello está eternamente agradecida a Dios por crearnos.

I remember the day someone forwarded me a video set to my song “breathe me” of a thirteen year old boy called Jonah Mowry. He was detailing his internal landscape as a young gay male in the world, and how depressed he was. I have been blessed to be surrounded by the queer community, in New York, in LA, where there is far more acceptance and positive self image, and so seeing him struggle was an important moment for me as a “human with the privilege of a platform”. In that moment I decided to dedicate myself to the queer community in a more meaningful way. I am so very grateful for my queer community and would have withered away long ago without them. Specifically my manager David, who has held my hand now for 12 years, through light and dark. He recently came out publicly as HIV positive, and the transformation of his shame into self acceptance has been magic to watch. I am so happy and proud of him. I can without question say I wouldn’t have made it without my queer friends, both personally and professionally, and I am forever grateful to God for creating them in all their glory.

BillboardChristina AguileraSia